When lots of small blood vessels over a larger area of the body have been damaged, for instance due to vessel surgery, so-called diffuse bleedings and lymph leakages will occur. These diffuse bleedings and lymph leakages can be difficult to stop. For more than 20 years surgeons have made use of either burners or synthetic products developed from e.g. cattle or blood from blood banks to stop bleedings. With the increased focus on dangers of infections with regard to mainly HIV, hepatitis and mad cow disease, the demand for products coming from the patient himself has increased.
Vivostat is a machine, which produces so-called fibrin glue from a small amount of the patient’s own blood. The glue is produced in just half an hour and is extremely effective for stopping bleedings very fast - even bleedings from large blood vessels.
TPU has developed, tested and produced the initial 20 machines of the production. The development includes a complete design and documentation of mechatronics including transducers (IR temperatures gauges, pressure sensors, laser, strain gauges, etc.) and actuator systems together with specification of software and control systems. The development of a user interface and the industrial design of the machine have been completed in co-operation with the industrial designer Steve McGugan.
The testing phase of the project includes FAT (Factory Acceptance Test), SAT (Site Acceptance Test) and the establishment of a quality assurance and quality control system for approval of the machines for hospital use. Furthermore a complete assembly description has been made along with the development of tools and fixtures to facilitate assembly.
The majority of the materials used for the machine have been manufactured in Denmark. TPU has handled the optimisation of tools (injection moulding, casting, extrusion and more) in co-operation with a wide range of suppliers.
In connection to the development of machines and control systems a series of patents have granted covering most of the industrial world.